Tributes to Pets
In Honor of Lovey, our sweet dog - Tom and Kay Ellerhoff
In Honor of Millie - a once lost and feral kitty, who now has a happy home - Al and Deb Pingrey, Harrison, Montana
In Memory of People
In Memory of Tom Carey St -Norman "Smokey" Sloan
In Memory of Pete Reinschmidt - Gwen Quesnell
In Memory of Minnehaha - Dona Lambrecht
In Memory of Tom Hammerbacker - Randi K. Eppe, Charlene Hammerbacker, Misty Hammerbacker
In Honor and Remembrance of Roger Siemens - Roger and Lori Steerman
In Memory of Tom Hammerbacker of Conrad, Montana - Charlene Hammerbacker, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Shirley Monforton - Penny Monforton
In Memory of Linda Crane Hicks - Roger Stein, Gary and Janice Anderson, Diane and Leroy Rice, Dona Lambrecht, Carlin Trend Mining Services
In Memory of Otto William Bausch, Jr - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Barry McWilliams - a wonderful friend and neighbor - Katie Smith, Misty Hammerbacker, James & Lois Weigerber, Nancy Tarnai
In Memory of Tom Hammerbacker of Conrad, Montana - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Beth Halvorsen - Lori Steerman
In Loving Memory of my mother Marlene Anderson and her very loved cats and dogs - Sandra Anderson
In Memory of Tom Hammerbacker - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Marlene Anderson - Mr and Mrs Robert Huff, Mr and Mrs Eric Skaggs, Dayle Perrin, K. Bauer, Alice J. Willey, Sheryl Mayo, Fred & Kathy Henningsen, Shawna Marsh, the Seyfert Family
In Memory of Jim Heringer - Diane Gunderson
In Memory of Jan and Skye Breitenfeldt - Gwen Quesnell
In Memory of Allen G. Pochelon - Roger and Lorie Steerman, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Wes White - Bonny White, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Mike Franich - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Mike Franich and Molly McLean - Tom Salvagni
In Memory of Scott Earl Williams - Tom Salvagni
In Memory of Jim Heringer - John and Kathleen Schnobrich, Mary Lou Davis, Lorentina Fritz, Steven and Anita Fritz, Paine Lee Fritz Kenn; his Fritzen cousins: Mary Havercroft, Nancy Schultz, Kathy Turner, Mark Fritzern and Patti Valpey; Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Susan Rose Noe - Misty Hammerbacker, Bonny White
In Memory of Buford Good - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Leora Brinig - The Montana Standard, Walt and Aileen Shaw, Beverly McClafferty & Classmates
In Memory of Lawrence Dapp - Kate Smith
In Memory of Hank Patacini - Walt and Aileen Shaw
In Loving Memory of Wes White - Bonny White, Bryant and Elizabeth Edsall, Misty Hammerbacker
I Loving Memory of Zip Steerman - Martha Haxby
In Memory of BJ Styren - Bonny and Wes White
In Memory of Arlo Rodway - Tom and Sandi Salvagni
In Memory of Brenda Doney - Jim and Grace Fleming, Corner Store in Whitehall, MT; Tom and Sandi Salvagni; Doris LaProwse
In Memory of Jane Ann Robert - Doris LaProwse, Lauris Brychell, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Peggy Taylor - Melissa Olson
In Memory of Geraldine Rakish - Brandt and Janice Thomas
In Memory of Jaelene Johnson's daughter - Bonny White, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Jim Smith - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of John Horton - Pete and Renee Sanchez-Knudsen
In Memory of Donald McKerrow - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of Dick Gustin - Wes and Bonny White, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Olive Smith - Gwen Quesnell
In Memory of Mike Miyake - Leora Brinig
In Memory of Joe Powers - Thomas and Sandy Salvagni, Gwen Quesnell, Zelda Powers, John P. Janel A. and Sean P. Powers, John and Nancy Ries, A Lazy H Outfitters/Allen and Sally Haas
In Memory of John Engebretson - Linda Shea
In Memory of Bernadette Connor - Gwen Quesnell/Country Comfort Massage Therapy
In Memory of Steve Wendell - Jerry and JoLynn Fleege
In Memory of Dee Chapman - Afton Fell, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Hazel Guthrie - Gwen Quesnell/Country Comfort Massage Therapy
In Memory of Betty 'Jerry' White - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of Ashlyn Moe Diteman - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of Jess VonBergen - Louis and Nola Maack
In Memory of Delores Barrus - Afton Fell
In Memory of Delores Barrus - Jerry and JoLynn Fleege
In Memory of Joe Fouts - Afton Fell, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Graceanne Brents - Misty Hammerbacker/4 Paws Rescue
In Memory of Dora Carey - Afton Fell
In Memory of Gaby Brents - Barbara Hartman, Linda McManamon, Laura Wine & Jim
In Memory of C. B. Brooke - Afton Fell
In Memory of Harry Drogitis - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of John Spaulding - Gwen Quesnell/Country Comfort Massage Therapy
In Memory of John Spaulding - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of Gary Knight - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of Rick Perry - Wes and Bonny White, Bob and Pam Styren
In Memory of Ann Lucas - Chad and Taunya Iverson of Powell, Wyoming, Misty Hammerbacker, Betty Hunter, Marla and Ken Eurick, Jane Hanson, Theodore and Debbra Kamrud, Country Comfort Massage Therapy/Gwen Quesnell, Bea and Dennis Burr, Ken and Linda Glaus, Kent and Jennifer Smith, Linda Shea, Louis and Nola Maack, Dorothy Granlund, Leora Brinig
In Memory of Janet Haxby Levengood - Afton Fell
In Memory of Betty Young, beloved mother - Dennis and Bea Burr
In Memory of George Miskovich - Afton Fell
In Memory of George Miskovich - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Dick Hammerbacker by Misty Hammerbacker
In memory of Donna Allen, Senior Dog House/Rescue in Columbia Falls - Misty Hammerbacker
In memory of Jessie Felsheim from: Jerry and JoLynn Fleege, Kate Smith, Michael White, Irlene Glidewell, Misty Hammerbacker
In memory of Dallice Smith - Linda B. Shea
In memory of Robert Haxby - Carl and Kate Smith, The faculty and staff of Kennedy School [Butte]
In memory of Mrytle Rose - Viva Schwab
In memory of Dorothy Shaw - Misty Hammerbacker
In memory of Grace I. Cooper - Afton and Chris Fell
In memory of David Rose - Jerry & JoLynn Fleege
In Memory of Pets
In memory of Toby, our beloved cat Ed and Viva Schwab
In memory of Abbey Cynthia J. Ayers
In memory of Star, a sweet quarter horse, the beloved mare of Genevieve and Savva Ross Karen Bernier
In memory of all the animals that have the will to live - their strength beyond our comprehension - Suzanne Nelson
In Loving Memory of our dogs Cookie, Majors & Murphy - Harold and Mary M Bruce
In Loving Memory of my dog Lux and my cat Jasper - Kenneth V. Ward
In Loving Memory of Peanut White - Bonnie and Wes White, Misty Hammerbacker
In Loving Memory of my dogs Elmo, Mynie, Chester, Molly, Pete, Mandy, Penny and Roxie - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of all the animals that have suffered - Craig Vietz
In Memory of Coco - her loving mom, Julie Burgan
In Memory of Mork, the loving and wonderful cat at Clays in Calico - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of our beloved kitties - Edward and Viva Schwab
In Memory of Junior and Tucker - Karen M Burtch, Misty Hammerbacker, Mountain View Real Estate
In Memory of Gene and Shirley Galovia's beautiful black lab Wiggin - Barbara Williams
In Memory of Gretchen McCloskey, beloved lab of Chuck and Cheryll McCloskey - Revs. Charles and Sandi Lanes
In Memory of Penny Rosebud, Roxie Marie - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Roxie - Wes and Bonny White, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Sammy our beloved blessing - Dan and Cindy Busarow
In Memory of Shivers, Bud and Bagheera Raiha - Meg Robbe
In Memory of Peppi, Sabrina, Cali, Sweet Pea, and Jody - Viva Schwab
In Memory of Wigeon - Shirley and Gene Galovic
In Memory of Cuddles White and Juney Bug White - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Chet and Winnie - Linn Krieg
In Memory of Gypsy, our office cat - Afton Fell, Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Missy, Lil Bit, Taffy, Star, Punkin, Amy, Belle, and Bitsy - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of Shadow - Linda Shea
In Memory of Little Bit White - Wes and Bonny White
In Memory of Little Bit White - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Missy White - Misty Hammerbacker
In Memory of Missy White - Wes and Bonny White
In memory of Fielding and Morgan - Jackie Ingraham
In memory of Lil' Miss - Judy Brady
In memory of Sadie - Deborah Brown
In memory of Ruger - T.J. Peterson and Jeff & Diane Janacaro
In memory of Tigger - Lorie and Roger Steerman
In memory of Chester and Molly Ann - Misty Hammerbacker
In memory of Kye Pochelon - Misty Hammerbacker
In memory of Peter Joseph Hammerbacker - Misty Hammerbacker
Tributes to People
In Honor of Rita (Laurette)- Nani Luebke
In Tribute to Jefferson Vet - Home on the Range Pet Cemetery
In Honor of Betty White's 100th Birthday - Krista Lingenfelter, Lyn Carver, Peggy Progasco, Roy and Karen Stock, Don and Bonnie Moran, Jill E. Denny
In Honor of Larry, Judy, Jon and Vern Bender - Penny Monforton
A Tribute to Tom and Charlene Hammerbacker and Randi K Eppe for Christmas 2019 - Misty Hammerbacker
A Tribute to Misty Hammerbacker for Christmas 2019 - Tom and Charlene Hammerbacker and Randi K Eppe
In Honor of Kathy Reich - Diane Murray
In Honor of the Bender Family - Larry, Judy, Jon and Vern for Christmas 2018 - Penny L Monforton
A Tribute to Tom and Charlene Hammerbacker and Randy Eppe for Christmas 2017 - Misty Hammerbacker
A Tribute to Misty Hammerbacker for Christmas 2017 - Tom and Charlene Hammerbacker, Randy Eppe
In Honor of the Bender Family: Larry, Judy, Jon and Vern for Christmas 2017
Happy Birthday Debbie McKerrow Smith - Wes and Bonny White
In honor of Randi Eppe for Christmas 2015 - Misty Hammerbacker
In honor of Misty Hammerbacker for Christmas 2015 - Tom and Charlene Hammerbacker and Randi K. Eppe
In honor of Diane Murray - Kenneth and Kathleen Reick
In honor of Kathy Quick for Christmas 2014 and 2015 - Diane Murray
Happy Birthday to Vicki Throckmorton - Bonny White and Pam Styren
In honor of The Bender family:Larry, Judy, Jon and Vern - Penny L. Monforton
Tribute to Wes and Bonny White - Jim and Debbie Smith of Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
In honor of Pam Styren on her birthday - Jim and Debbie Smith of Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Tribute to Tom and Charlene Hammerbacker, for their love and support of pets - Misty Hammerbacker, Christmas 2013
Tribute to Randi K. Eppe, for her love and support of pets - Misty Hammerbacker, Christmas 2013
In honor of Tom and Charlene Hammerbacker and Randi K. Eppe - Misty Hammerbacker, Christmas 2014

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